Ict famous quotes


  • You can't win 'til you're not afraid to lose

  • I bend, but I do not break.

  • She was brilliant and joyous and she believed- probably correctly- that libraries contain the answers to all things, to everything, and that if you can't find the information you seek in the library, then such information probably doesn't exist in this or any parallel universe now or ever to be known. She was thoughtful and kind and she always believed the best of everybody. She was, above all else, a master librarian and she knew where to find any book on any subject in the shortest possible time. And she was wonderfully unhinged.

  • It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver. [Fr., Car c'est double plaisir de tromper le trompeur.]

  • Don’t wait for people to be kind, show them how.

  • I admire traveling; I appreciate it a lot.

  • If it's just a symbol, then to hell with it !

  • I don't believe in God. I believe in man -- in his strength, his possibilities, and his reason.

  • I would love to kiss you. The price of kissing is your life.

  • Remember that I'm Human. Before you judge me or decide how you'll deal with me, walk awhile in my shoes. If you do, I think you'll find with more understanding we can meet in the middle and walk the rest of the way together.