Chaucer famous quotes


  • My parents were liberal intellectuals but even they expected me to stay at home and look after my younger siblings and do the housework.

  • The mind of the spirit will guide you in perfect ways, even in the minute details of your life, if you will let it do so.

  • I wanted to completely honor The REV and pay tribute to him and carry on the legacy that he intended with this record.

  • For me, style is about forgetting the rules or creating new ones.

  • When we contemplate the world of Epicurus, and conceive the universe to be a fortuitous jumble of atoms, there is nothing grand in this idea. The clashing of atoms by blind chance has nothing in it fit to raise our conceptions, or to elevate the mind. But the regular structure of a vast system of beings, produced by creating power, and governed by the best laws which perfect wisdom and goodness could contrive, is a spectacle which elevates the understanding, and fills the soul with devout admiration.

  • Ballet teaches you how to hold yourself.

  • My opponent Senator Menendez and his colleagues are pursuing what I consider a Jon Corzine economic policy. Higher taxes, more spending, more debt.

  • The intellectual who no longer feels attached to anything is not satisfied with opinion merely; he wants certainty, he wants a system. The revolution provides him with his opium.

  • I was too young for Korea and too old for Vietnam.

  • Given the proper suggestion, the Subconscious Mind will manifest success from failure, health from disease, prosperity from poverty, friendship and love from loneliness and isolation. For nothing is impossible to the Subconscious Mind and it operates entirely by suggestion.