Simple Things famous quotes


  • I sometimes lie awake at night and wonder why I am still so popular and, to be honest, I don't know.

  • I've been able to work with great directors in Israel.

  • One should travel as light as possible. I can organize myself to go on a ten-day trip with just hand luggage.

  • Unlike any other nation, here the people rule, and their will is the supreme law. It is sometimes sneeringly said by those who do not like free government, that here we count heads. True, heads are counted, but brains also . . .

  • A lifetime without Love is of no account Love is the Water of Life Drink it down with heart and soul!

  • I've always liked using flutes and clarinets. Any time I can use those, I'm really happy.

  • Our strength lies, not alone in our proving grounds and our stockpiles, but in our ideals, our goals, and their universal appeal to all men who are struggling to breathe free.

  • The gift moves towards the empty place. As it turns in its circle it turns towards him who has been empty-handed the longest, and if someone appears elsewhere whose need is greater it leaves its old channel and moves toward him. Our generosity may leave us empty, but our emptiness then pulls gently at the whole until the thing in motion returns to replenish us. Social nature abhors a vacuum.

  • Tears streamed down my face as I crossed the finish line. I was a new person, a runner.

  • The only difference is that religion is much better organized and has been around much longer, but it's the same story with different characters and different costumes.