The only proof for the existence of God is that without God you couldn't prove anything.
I know I'm not exactly a bombshell, but one has to make the best of what one's got.
Europe has never existed. One must genuinely create Europe.
You might think what I tell you next is all a dream, or that I've imagined it. I can't help it if that's what you think, but I swear it's true. Sometimes the truest things are the hardest to believe.
[General James Mattis] said, reading allows you to learn from other people's mistakes without filling body bags with the bodies of your soldiers as you learn on the battlefield.
If you do not love yourself, well, you cannot do anything well, that's my philosophy.
The enemy works overtime to keep us in shame. He knows if he can keep us in shame, he can minimize our intimacy with God.
The point is to explore whatever may be helpful for thinking, understanding, and acting responsibly over long periods of time.
Some of the routines come back very easily. We do it off the top of our heads
Why do we expect to be better treated in this world than Jesus was?