Baddies famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • A photographer's best work is, alas, generally done for himself.

  • Hurry it up, I could hang a dozen men while your fooling around.

  • Don't listen to criticism, positive or negative. You just keep going forward.

  • I think I did experience culture shock. When I first arrived in Boston, I was basically told to go home. "Homeboy" is what they called me - very funny. I didn't take offense. I just thought, This is exactly where I want to be. The pace was different. Houston is a sprawling city. Boston is just crammed into the size of a postage stamp.

  • Feelings you have for each other will not be known unless you voice them.

  • It really shocks me when I encounter people who think kindness doesn't matter. Because I think it's pretty much the only thing that matters.

  • In its attempt to crush the Black Panthers, the FBI engineered frequent arrests on the flimsiest of pretexts.

  • The starting point of sanctification is the filthiness, corruption, or stain of sin.

  • Now I still see those things but I'm completely over it. I threw negativity out the window and just live my life for me and my baby. Hopefully I inspire women to do the same in life, with whatever makes them happy.

  • There is a glory in a great mistake.