Going Back To School famous quotes


  • I think Atom Heart Mother was a good thing to have attempted, but I don't really think the attempt comes off that well.

  • The illuminated ones can take any form -- a man, a woman, a child, an elder, or even a dog. It is not inconsequential that the English language allows for the dyslexia of the spelling of the word dog: God spelled backward.

  • Photographers, like kids, should be seen and not heard.

  • Darwin matters because evolution matters. Evolution matters because science matters. Science matters because it is the preeminent story of our age, an epic saga about who we are, where we came from and where we are going.

  • Sometimes I like to run naked in the moonlight and the wind, on a little trail behind our house, when the honeysuckle blooms. It's a feeling of freedom, so close to God and nature.

  • Good comedy doesn't have to be a comedy idea.

  • Every man is to be respected as an absolute end in himself; and it is a crime against the dignity that belongs to him as a human being, to use him as a mere means for some external purpose.

  • We don't want our politicians bending to the whims of whichever corporation has the money to pay them off.

  • A partnership was established between Hitler's Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement... [the Zionists] gave permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine.

  • If you had ever heard my album you would know that I could never consider the music business!