Gist famous quotes


  • Between me and You, there is only me. Take away the me, so only You remain.

  • Money is misunderstood. The fact is if you want to be successful - the money will follow you. If you are a doctor, something else will follow you. If you are successful there is an accompaniment. If your goal is just to make money you won't succeed. Money is a commodity to use, not to be dictated by.

  • Night is here. All is at rest. My eyes close in order to see without actually understanding the dream that flees before men infinite space; and I experience the languorous sensation produced by the mournful procession of my hopes.

  • Heroes are never perfect, but they're brave, they're authentic, they're courageous, determined, discreet, and they've got grit.

  • I never like to think of any character as being over. I'm always thinking of different ways of bringing them back.

  • I love girls when I never know what there going to do next or what they're going to say.

  • If you do not know where your competitor is, or overconfident and snobbish about your competitor, or are unable to comprehend how yourcompetitor became a real threat, you will surely fall behind him. Don't be the "they" in this idiom: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

  • You can't control everything. You can't control how someone feels about you. Or what makes them tick. You can only control how you react, how you act, how you think and feel.

  • My parents migrated to Canada in 1876, and I decided to go with them.

  • Morality is a burglar's tool whose merit lies in never being left behind at the scene of the crime.