Everyone Makes Mistakes famous quotes


  • A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician.

  • Do not fall in love, but rise in love

  • Where I felt comfortable was being the one that everyone liked to party with. And it was kind of the way I could fit in.

  • I feel increasingly like age is very irrelevant. Quite often, cynicism is confused with wisdom, and my scorn is confused with a knowing, which I don't have.

  • One way for attaining Bhakti is by repeating the name of God a number of times. Mantras have effect: the mere repetition of words.... To obtain Bhakti, seek the company of holy men who have Bhakti, and read books like the Gita and the Imitation of Christ; always think of the attributes of God.

  • What I'm trying to do is help people understand if for one day they could have the best day ever, where there energy and there focus and everything is super clear and they feel like a great golden god... if you do that one time you know you're capable of it and you can start working towards that. Most people I know have felt like crap without knowing it most of their life. They've never had a wonderful day. Once you have that day, you can learn how to kick more ***** repeatedly.

  • The most important thing is that Milosevic agreed to sit at the negotiating table with the Kosovo Albanians

  • I am out to introduce a psychic shock into my painting, one that is always motivated by pictorial reasoning: that is to say, a fourth dimension.

  • Young girls are like helpless children in the hands of amorous men, whatever is said to them is true and whatever manipulation on their bodies seems like love to them, sooner or later, they come back to their senses, but the scars are not dead inasmuch as her spoiler lives.

  • Cruelty to animals can become violence to humans.