Paraplegics famous quotes


  • The quality of the human that precludes identifying the individual with the class is 'metaphysical' and has no place in empiricist epistemology. The pigeon hole into which a man is shoved circumscribes his fate.

  • The history of the past interests us only in so far as it illuminates the history of the present.

  • Incidentally, it's best not to argue with the nursing staff. I find the best course of action is to throw some chocolates in one direction and hurry off in the other while their attention is distracted.

  • Words are alive--when I've found a story that I love, I read it again and again, like playing a favorite song over and over. Reading isn't passive--I enter the story with the characters, breathe their air, feel their frustrations, scream at them to stop when they're about to do something stupid, cry with them, laugh with them. Reading for me, is spending time with a friend. A book is a friend. You can never have too many.

  • Take my last best advice: Try everything twice!

  • There's no substitute for hard work and effort beyond the call of duty. That is what strengthens the soul and ennobles one's character.

  • Prayer worth calling prayer, prayer that God will call true prayer and will treat as true prayer, takes for more time by the clock than one man in a thousand thinks.

  • Sometimes you have to get off track to discover a better track

  • Crawling still gets you there.

  • The greatest of all insights is that we cannot be tomorrow what we do not do today.