Liberal Arts famous quotes


  • If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others.

  • Nothing remains static in war or military weapons, and it is consequently often dangerous to rely on courses suggested by apparent similarities in the past.

  • One of the quainter quirks of life is that we shall never know who dies on the dame day as we do ourselves.

  • Humor is just truth, only faster!

  • I still play that guitar. It's a Martin D-18 with a clear pick guard. I've played that guitar on and off my TV shows for nearly 50 years.

  • There are more than 30 states, who either by statute or constitutional amendment, have defined marriage as being between a man and a woman.

  • The wonder and awe of Christmas is just a beginning. Christmas reminds us that the babe born in Bethlehem has given us purpose for living, and what happens next to us largely depends on how we embrace our Savior, Jesus Christ, and follow Him.

  • Any experienced player knows how a change in the character of the play influences your psychological mood.

  • My husband and Charlie Sheen played Little League together. Theyve always been best friends.

  • With the absence of a flu vaccination last year, I did not take a flu shot; but there is still some immunity that carries over from year to year; but about every 30 years, there is a major change in the genetics of the flu virus.