Believe In Love famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Don't be afraid to be unique. Love yourself before you love another.

  • Every woman should recruit a female friend to take up golf so there will be more women available to play.

  • Governments always commit their entire populations when the demands grow heavy enough. By their passive acceptance, these populations become accessories to whatever is done in their name.

  • We have the ability to manifest our thoughts: to actually say something and express what our feelings are. That, then, transforms the world and puts something into action.

  • Call it crazy, or just chicken salad.

  • Any day alive in this world is a charmed life.

  • We need to challenge the dominant culture: by ethics, principles and values.

  • I carry around a notebook that is equal parts day planner and journal. Every morning, I check to see what the agenda for the day is, and if there isn't a plan, I make one. I strive to fill the rest of the page with miscellaneous thoughts and ideas and go back through and fill sparse pages as well. If I start skipping days, I know I'm off course and need to take a step back and ground my life.

  • Sometimes humans hit on a moment of profundity more complete than their dim minds could comprehend, and they took that nugget of truth and dumped it in the refuse for the bards and the poets to find, and mangle into yodeling paeans of love.

  • When we leave money in the hands of taxpayers, they buy things, they pay taxes, they grow government.