Do not seek the answers. Let the answers find you.
Modern technology has conveniently provided a measuring stick by which you can determine whether or not you are conducting your business in an acceptable, ethical way. . . . You can ask yourself: How will I feel if my business dealings today are secretly recorded on a hidden video camera, and appear on this evening's television newscast for all to see?
Clear thinking requires courage rather than intelligence.
As a general matter, if the president wants to withdraw from a treaty, he simply gets to do that. And that's part of the powers of the office.
Because what's the point of something virtual if it doesn't end up being real?
Sepp Blatter and all of them lot Mr Platini I know he was a good player but he aint very good at what he does, I don’t think. I think he’s useless you can quote me on that.
I like writing songs all females can relate to - songs about when you're a chick and you get your heart broken and you go shopping.
I think these are very improper questions for any American to be asked, especially under such compulsion as this. I would be very glad to tell you my life if you want to hear of it.
I'm a fun father, but not a good father. The hard decisions always went to my wife
Film and art are close together.