Chaplains famous quotes


  • Above all, I will keep an open heart. As I move on the right path I will recieve great happiness as a reward without asking for anything in return.

  • Between each album I try to gain a new insight that I didn't have before and perhaps write a song about something that I've written about before, but from a fresh viewpoint.

  • I'm the CEO of a small growing company, and at each stage of our growth, it's become apparent to me that I need to adapt my leadership style and learn new approaches. When I completed the assessment, asking my own team to provide feedback on the 15 qualities of presence, I learned a lot about the leader I have yet to become.

  • We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become.

  • The liberty of the individual is a necessary postulate of human progress.

  • Some people reckoned up all King Harald's (King of Norway) great achievements, and said that nothing would be too difficult for him. But there were others who said that England would be very hard to conquer. It was very populous and the warriors who were known as the king's Housecarls were so valiant, that any one of them was worth two of the best in King Harald's army

  • If I could have any power, I think flying would definitely be up there! Along with speaking every language.

  • Even if I make a fool of myself, it's better to have tried.

  • Hockey is my life, you know. If I do not play hockey, I do not know what I do.

  • I just love biography, and I'm fascinated by people who have shifted our destinies or our points of view.