Oversight famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • And, to all married men, be this a caution, Which they should duly tender as their life, Neither to doat too much, nor doubt a wife.

  • To be quite blunt, I make pictures for money, to pay the rent.There are some great artists in the business. I am not one of them.

  • Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough.

  • If you can discover what you like, if you can discover what you truly believe about most of the major matters of life, you will be able to write a story which is honest and original and unique.

  • Cancer is a disease where the patient can contribute a great deal of help himself if he or she can retain their morale and their hopes.

  • Men are always optimists when they look inwards, and pessimists when they look round them.

  • When we start to suffer, it tells us something very valuable. It means that we are not seeing the truth, and we are not relating from the truth. It's a beautiful pointer. It never fails.

  • We all have much more in common than we have difference. I would say that about people all over the world. They don't know how much in common that they have

  • Gold will not always get you good soldiers, but good soldiers can get you gold.

  • I mean, the only thing that matters to me is getting to the work - getting to do the work. And I don't really care where it is: whether it's on stage or on television or in film.