Celebs famous quotes


  • It's kind of too movie-like to say, "When I started climbing, I knew I wanted to climb Everest some day." Instead, I just started rock climbing as a kid, when I was 16, and then I started teaching and a buddy of mine started taking me out.

  • I think when I started acting it was the first time I got the freedom of expression. I was able to express certain emotions and feelings that I could put into other characters, so it was a good way for me to run away from ho I personally was. I could be a ninja, I could be a pirate or I could be in a play y'know.

  • I still care for you, you know.. That phrase again. Everyone cares for me. They just don't know how to love me.

  • The single most important hindrance to world evangelization right now is the lack of total involvement by the body of Christ.

  • Yeah, romantic comedies are the hardest movies to make. Maybe one works a year.

  • There must not be one law for the Jew and another for the Arabs....In saying this, I do not assume that there are tendencies toward inequalirty or discrimination. It is merely a timely warning which is particularly necessary because we shall have a very large Arab minority. I am certain that the world will judge the Jewish State by what it will do with the Arabs, just as the Jewish people at large will be judged by what we do or fail to do in this state where we have been given such a wonderful opportunity after thousands of years of wandering and suffering.

  • We might make a public moan in the newspapers about the decay of conscience, but in private conversation, no matter what crimes a man may have committed or how cynically he may have debased his talent or his friends, variations on the answer Yes, but I did it for the money, satisfy all but the most tiresome objections.

  • Mayer Hawthorne's old school pop-R&B homages are so meticulous that it's tempting to overrate his pipes.

  • We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing

  • We have an epidemic of obese six-month-olds. We actually have an epidemic of obese newborns. They don't diet and exercise. How do you explain that? It's what the mother consumed. Well, who told her to do that? The obstetricians.