Intentionality famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Take a stand for what's right. Raise a ruckus and make a change. You may not always be popular, but you'll be part of something larger and bigger and greater than yourself. Besides, making history is extremely cool.

  • The world would not be in such a snarl, had Marx been Groucho instead of Karl.

  • Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.

  • I had always been an enthusiastic reader of stuff about ancient Greece. I would read Herodotus and Thucydides just for fun.

  • Mitt Romney and I know the difference between protecting a program, and raiding it. Ladies and gentlemen, our nation needs this debate. We want this debate. We will win this debate.

  • In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally.

  • Accepting that we are angry is a healthy and appropriate response as long as we don't get stuck in it. Acknowledging it is one way of going through it.

  • My stand-up is more like how I am in real life. I don't really do a character thing in stand-up. It's just a bunch of sentences that are supposed to be funny.

  • Maintaining patience, being generous, and helping your peers takes time, and no small amount of emotional fortitude. But it brings an exponential difference in your team's ability to problem-solve.

  • You come to the planet with nothing and you leave with nothing, so youd better do some good while you are here.