Elba famous quotes


  • I got into comedy so I could stay out all night.

  • What do you think it is to be normal?' Why in the world would you want to be?' she says. I don't know. I guess that's the problem.' I don't think normal is that great.' But so many people choose it,' I reply. I don't think that's it at all. I think most everyone is normal and some of us, for whatever reason, choose to reject that and wear ruby red slippers or old black hats.' Well, why do we choose the hard road?

  • I feel as if things are falling apart within me, like so many glass partitions shattering. I walk from place to place in the grip of a fury, needing to act, yet can do nothing about it because any attempt seems doomed in advance. Failure, everywhere failure. Only suicide hovers above me, gleaming and inaccessible.

  • Being humbled is always good for us, even if it doesn't feel good to us.

  • I think anytime you get nominated for an award, its a very humbling thing.

  • All think what other people think; All know the man their neighbor knows. Lord, what would they say Did their Catullus walk that way?

  • Nothing is stranger to man than his own image.

  • The passive American consumer, sitting down to a meal of pre-prepared food, confronts inert, anonymous substances that have been processed, dyed, breaded, sauced, gravied, ground, pulped, strained, blended, prettified, and sanitized beyond resemblance to any part of any creature that ever lived. The products of nature and agriculture have been made, to all appearances, the products of industry. Both eater and eaten are thus in exile from biological reality.

  • I don't avoid confrontation, people should know that.

  • I've learned a lot about putting a show up in Vegas. You can't just all of a sudden put up a show here and do well. Nobody does.