Ruthless famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

  • I just witnessed an event so mysterious that it shook my skepticism.

  • The Lord did nothing either of himself or through his apostles without his Father, with whom he is united; so too, you should undertake nothing without the bishop and the presbyters priests.

  • I think that until a filmmaker knows that about him- or herself, the films they make will just be copies of other people's work. It's important for anyone who wants to make films for a living, but I think perhaps it has an even greater weight for female filmmakers since they represent a much smaller percentage of the population. Their voices are fewer so they must be even stronger.

  • I don't always, or even usually, read stories from beginning to end. I start anywhere and proceed in either direction. A story is not like a road to follow, it's more like a house. You go inside and stay there for a while.

  • Without an understanding of the issue of race and a willingness to confront it head on, the working class will not build its strength.

  • I like televangelism shows. I find it entertaining sometimes to see how a young person would deliver the word versus a old person.

  • The anger in the Brigade against those who fought the Republic in the rear was sharpened by reports of weapons, even tanks, being kept from the front and hidden for treacherous purposes.

  • A people may prefer a free government, but if by momentary discouragement or temporary panic, or a fit of enthusiasm for an individual, they can be induced to lay their liberties at the feet of even a great man, or trust him with powers to subvert their institutions, in all these cases they are unfit for liberty.

  • I would hope they would be our fellow artists, rather than trying to emulate or idolize clowns like us.