Classic Movie famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Freshness is important. If a game is fresh, new, intriguing, challenging, and enchanting, it will sell, and sell well.

  • Talent is not sexually transmitted.

  • Photography is humbling, it really is, and it really allows for me to atone for some of the missteps I've made throughout the course of my life.

  • The final mystery is oneself.

  • Poor Petey. I’d like to say I could almost feel a tender spot for poor Petey, but the truth is I’d rather feel at the tender spot on his head and give it a poke.

  • We don't have a crime problem, a gun problem or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem. And since we've ordered god out of our schools, and communities, the military and public conversations, you know we really shouldn't act so surprised ... when all hell breaks loose,

  • I want to fully fund education, No Child Left Behind, special-needs education. And that's how we're going to be more competitive, by making sure our kids are graduating from school and college.

  • This is Sesame Street. A place where people, birds, monsters all live in perfect harmony.

  • I don't know whether our watching the play in these times was a coincidence or divine intervention but time and again, we were introspecting.

  • I'd rather hear an ugly truth, rather than an obscure lie.