Solar System famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • I have been supremely lucky in my life in that I have known great love, and of course I am the temporary custodian of some incredible and beautiful things.

  • I think often in film we limit our imaginations a little - well, quite a lot, actually things get quite formulaic.

  • No matter what your current condition, how or where you grew up, or what education or training you feel you lack, you can be successful in your chosen endeavor. It is spirit, fortitude, and hardiness that matter more than where you start.

  • Set goals for yourself and put actionable steps in place to ensure that you achieve them. Whether you aim to get a promotion at work or set up your very own business, these ideas will only remain dreams until you write plan out how you are going to reach them by writing down realistic steps towards hitting your targets.

  • Visiting Anderson Silva. He's doing AMAZING! Leg is healing fast and will be walking without crutches in 30 days.

  • Democrats have no agenda, no plan for the future, and no sense of leadership

  • Philosopher is becoming God in the process called life.

  • Apprehension, uncertainty, waiting, expectation, fear of surprise, do a patient more harm than any exertion.

  • Holman's world is a worst case scenario but it's healthy to examine extreme possibilities. If the technology that is used for genetic enrichment in Genus had been distributed equitably, across society, it could have been nirvana, a great world where people don't fear the diseases that we die from. The problems that arrive are more to do with resource hording than technology itself.

  • Stab me if you can enjoy it - but not if it feels like a duty. Stab me vertically if I'm lying down and horizontally if I'm running