Differentiation famous quotes
Common integration is only the memory of differentiation...
-- Augustus De Morgan -
It is our task to inquire into the causes that have brought about the observed differentiation, and to investigate the sequence of events that have led to the establishment of the multifarious forms of human life
-- Franz Boas -
..This is why the ultimate reason of things must lie in a necessary substance, in which the differentiation of the changes only exists eminently as in their source; and this is what we call God.
-- Gottfried Leibniz -
Progress is measured by the degree of differentiation within a society.
-- Herbert Read -
In every company, differentiation is never more important than it is in times of trouble, and that's the time when everyone tends to go to the well and equalize rather than differentiate.
-- Jack Welch -
In differentiation, not in uniformity, lies the path of progress.
-- Louis D. Brandeis -
Progress is only possible by passing from a state of undifferentiated wholeness to differentiation of parts.
-- Ludwig von Bertalanffy -
We were unusually brought up; there was no gender differentiation. I was never thought of as any less than my brother.
-- Maya Lin -
I don't differentiate in the way that the genre creators want differentiation to be made. I feel that I have never written children's or YA stories particularly.
-- Robin McKinley -
Perspiration is the best form of differentiation, especially in the creative world.
-- Scott Belsky -
The worst of the action films are the ones where everything is one shout from beginning to finish. And there's no differentiation between beats, like small or big, or quiet or expansive. It's all just one loud shout.
-- Shane Black -
When we come to research, if we want to find out the cause of autism, we're going to have to be much more specific, and that's why when it comes to research, I'm fairly strict with respect to criteria. When it comes to treatment, I'm much more open to not making that differentiation.
-- Darold Treffert