Driftwood famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • There are people who embrace the Oxford comma and those who don't, and I'll just say this: never get between these people when drink has been taken.

  • I can alter my life by altering my attitude. He who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers.

  • I don't live a very posh life. There are no drivers waiting or people doing everything for me. I pretty much live like a normal person. . . . It's not good to have a life without responsibilities, you know ?.

  • Honestly, live is my favorite way of performing. Every show is a completely different energy. With recording, it's not really as organic as it can be. But I feel like I'm a lot more fluid, and I can be a little bit more aggressive.

  • I used to take taekwondo and made it to brown belt.

  • All really interesting girls invent themselves.

  • I'd love to be in another film, but they haven't asked me. I think it's a shame but the prospects of me doing another one now are remote. Please do campaign on my behalf.

  • I love when people will say, "Oh, my songs are my children." I understand that, but I'm also not afraid to kill my kids. I know when the time has come to throw it in the trash can. With a child you've got to go to therapy and put it in daycare and buy it birthday presents. With a song, you can shove it in a dark closet and tell it you'll be there when you're ready.

  • I love the silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, revealing to my charmed sight what may not bless my waking eyes.

  • Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.