Abby famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • I came to see, in my time at IBM, that culture isn't just one aspect of the game; it is the game

  • This was real. And it was me. I had lived that life, and I had died that death. I was staring at the very end of me.

  • There is no other way to judge the work of a mind except through its words.

  • United thoughts and counsels, equal hope And hazard in the glorious enterprise.

  • Only through art can we get outside of ourselves and know another's view of the universe which is not the same as ours and see landscapes which otherwise would remain unknown to us like the landscapes of the moon. Thanks to art, instead of seeing a single world, our own, we see it multiply until we have before us as many worlds as there are original artists.

  • I'm not prejudiced about what type of movies I'm in, what form they take or whether they're studio or independent. I just want to make films that are going to be good. The main reason is not to make money, although at some points it's really difficult when you're broke.

  • A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain, while witty saying are as easily lost as the pearls slipping from a broken string.

  • It's really hard to meet good women in Hollywood.

  • Me and my big mouth! I'd get rid of it, only it's such a handy place to keep my teeth.

  • AMC has a track record for finding actors who have been working actors but not names yet and casting them.