Complex Systems famous quotes


  • The biggest difficulty in getting to the top of the ladder is getting through the crowd at the bottom.

  • Doing the right thing daily, compounds over time.

  • red plastic rain her tears stain

  • Hold the period of youth sacred to education, and the period of maturity, when the physical forces begin to flag, equally sacred to ease and agreeable relaxation.

  • We discard the personal specifics which don't conform to the ideal conventional beauty created by art directors and cinematographers.

  • Writing is like paying myself a formal visit…

  • The media has created this environment that is okay to say almost anything about somebody who is, you know, right of Jane Fonda. You know, if you are slightly conservative or even libertarian points of view, especially if you are persuasive and charismatic and funny and effective, you will get called the most appalling things.

  • Let us lose none of their humble words, let us note their slightest gestures, and tell me, tell me that we will think of them together, now and later, when we realise the misery of the times and the magnitude of their sacrifice.

  • Status and class and social anxiety and perhaps social code are all released when you look at paintings of powerful individuals from the past.

  • I could wake up six in the morning, go downstairs and record. I learned how to use ProTools and everything. Whenever I felt it, I could record.