Had A Great Time famous quotes


  • There's so many singers, you watch them and a lot of it is waving around. You don't get this feeling that they're really thinking about what they're saying.

  • ... ah, one favor: if he telephones again, tell him it's no use, that I've gone out ...

  • Is a currency worth anything if no one wants it? We used to buy shoes in Italy. Remember?

  • However, the serious seeker of detachment will have to embrace the Holy Trinity of Ss - Solitude, Stillness and Silence - and reject the new religion of Commotionism, which believes that the meaning of life is constant company, movement and noise.

  • If it does not glorify Christ, let it not console or please you.

  • Everyone knows Jordan as a winner, and that's what I want to be known as at the end of my playing career. Someone who's won multiple NBA Championships and has made a difference in the NBA.

  • George Bush is just as much in the dark as I am, and it scares me.

  • Great cities are not static, they constantly change and take the world along with them.

  • I loved hard-rock bands, and I loved songwriters who told stories.

  • [President Clinton] boasts about 186,000 people denied firearms under the Brady Law rules. The Brady Law has been in force for three years. In that time, they have prosecuted seven people and put three of them in prison. You know, the President has entertained more felons than that at fundraising coffees in the White House, for Pete's sake.