Leviathan famous quotes
An individualism which has got beyond the stage of hedonism tends to yield to the lure of the grandiose. It was not man, the individual, nor even the Supreme Being, that Robespierre set up against Christ; it was that Leviathan, the Nation.
-- Andre Malraux -
In the belly of Leviathan ... one can either despair and perish, or be cheerful and persevere.
-- Dean Koontz -
Summation of Leviathan: "The axiom, fear; the method, logic; the conclusion, despotism."
-- Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper -
Moreover, it is difficult to reconcile Hobbes’s distrust for the individual with his confidence in the altruistic nature of the individual or individuals who will oversee and control the Leviathan. Are not the latter also of flesh and blood? Hobbes seems to be saying that man’s nature cannot be trusted but the nature of a ruler or a ruling assembly of men can be trusted. How so?
-- Mark Levin