Narrators famous quotes
The third person narrator, instead of being omniscient, is like a constantly running surveillance tape.
-- Andrew Vachss -
I'm starting to think my narrators' sentences are getting too big for them, and they are getting to sound a bit samey and, more disturbingly, a bit too much like me.
-- Anne Enright -
I'm never a reliable narrator, unbiased or objective.
-- Anthony Bourdain -
As a writer I'm not an explainer, really. I'm a narrator. I mistrust explanation.
-- D. T. Max -
My narrators tend to be women with low self-esteem, so I can send them to charm school.
-- Elinor Lipman -
Nothing is as important as a likable narrator. Nothing holds a story together better.
-- Ethan Canin -
A poet or prose narrator usually looks back on what he has achieved against a backdrop of the years that have passed, generally finding that some of these achievements are acceptable, while others are less so.
-- Eyvind Johnson -
Using a dog as a narrator has limitations and it has advantages. The limitations are that a dog cannot speak. A dog has no thumbs. A dog can't communicate his thoughts except with gestures.
-- Garth Stein -
The only difference between the narrator of contemporary affairs and the ordinary historian is that moral judgments about the present provoke fiercer reactions and have more immediately practical implications than moral judgments about the past.
-- Geoffrey Barraclough -
Using a first-person narrator is simply a matter of hearing the voice inside yourself.
-- James Lee Burke -
In a thriller, the camera's an active narrator, or can be.
-- John McTiernan -
It's a rare memoir that can tell a story that seems brand new, but Nina Here Nor There does it. This one-of-a-kind narrator undertakes a quest that is unmistakably timely. But in its yearning for awareness and connection, this book feels timeless.
-- K. M. Soehnlein -
Hitchcock makes it very clear to us. There's an objective and a subjective camera, like there's a third- and a first-person narrator in literature.
-- Manuel Puig -
It is rare and almost impossible for a novel to have only one narrator.
-- Mario Vargas Llosa -
One of the strategies for doing first-person is to make the narrator very knowing, so that the reader is with somebody who has a take on everything they observe.
-- Rachel Kushner -
I go straight from thinking about my narrator to being him.
-- S. E. Hinton -
In the end, history, especially British history with its succession of thrilling illuminations, should be, as all her most accomplished narrators have promised, not just instruction but pleasure.
-- Simon Schama -
Fatal human malice is the staple of narrators, original sin the mother-fluid of historians. But it is a risky enterprise to have to write of virtue.
-- Thomas Keneally -
One naturally identifies to some extent with an "I" female narrator going through something that you recognize whether you've gone through it or not.
-- Ann Goldstein -
I wanted to do a collection where the narrator is constant throughout, so that there's a little unity.
-- Arthur Bradford -
I chose the title Dogwalker because that describes me pretty well. I spend a lot of time walking around with my dogs. I'd say the narrator is me in an alternate universe.
-- Arthur Bradford -
I think every first-person narrator in a novel should be compromised. I prefer that word to unreliable.
-- Charles Palliser -
But music doesn't sum up my approach to literature - even in Vain Art of the Fugue. To 'fugue' I had to invent 'trap-words,' or words that would force the narrator to turn around and start his path anew.
-- Dumitru Tepeneag -
I just respect audiences to understand that that's what goes on in movies. I just try to make movies that respect the intelligence of the audience. Respect that they understand that the narrator is always unreliable and respect that they understand that the medium can do whatever it wants.
-- Guy Maddin -
Even while I was working on the novel I would also write short stories as relief, just to be in a wieldier world that could negotiated more easily and more quickly. In the novel, I even changed the narrator from a man to a woman.
-- Leni Zumas -
I very much like the idea of the unreliable narrator. Shaping my fictions as monologues - by introducing the "I" - allows me to be as unreliable as I like.
-- Norman Lock -
I think every narrator is an unreliable narrator. In its classic definition - an unreliable narrator is one who reveals something they don't know themselves to be revealing. We all do that.
-- Rob Roberge -
I am voice actor Roger Craig Smith. You may know me as Batman, Captain America, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ezio from Assassin's Creed, Transformers: RID, or narrator of “Say Yes To the Dress†(among many other things). AMA!
-- Roger Craig Smith -
Very often, or perhaps more often, and even in very good collections - even in some of the best collections ever written, I would argue - it's because our "voicier" writers hew so closely to one given set of dictional tics that we as readers can't read the books all the way through in a single sitting, because if we did, the stories and their narrators would all start to bleed together.
-- Roy Kesey -
Once I got interested in organized crime, and, specifically, Jewish organized crime, I got very interested in it. I have learned that, like my narrator Hannah, I'm a crime writer in my own peculiar way. Crime with a capital "C" is the subject that I'm stuck with - even Sway is about "crime" in a certain way. The nice thing about crime is that it enables you to deal with some big questioO
-- Zachary Lazar -
I can't reasonably pretend to be a transparent and omniscient narrator who brings no personal perspective. That person doesn't exist.
-- Molly Crabapple -
I don't know if you've ever seen this film called Elite Squad, which, actually Wagner [Moura] is the one narrating that. José Padilha, one of creators of our show, that's where the style comes from. It has a heavy narrator. But I thought about it a lot. You [the viewers] have to work for the show, unless you're bilingual. It's a really aggressive type of filming, it's engaging, you've got to read.
-- Boyd Holbrook -
I think narrators expect a high level of intimacy with their readers, and vice versa.
-- Tom Barbash