Rubble famous quotes


  • The real people who hold our civilization together are the maintenance people. If it weren't for them - pumping water out of subways, painting bridges to keep from rusting, fixing a steam pipe that is 70 years old - we'd be sunk. If we got rid of all the politicians and the policymakers in the world, the world would keep going. If you get rid of maintenance people, the whole thing breaks down.

  • Be good at something. It makes you valuable. Have something to bring to the table, because that will make you more welcome.

  • Someday all the children of the world will learn the truth about their noble inheritance. When that happens, a miracle will unfold on the kingdom of Earth.

  • The Sopranos,' for instance, is arguably the best cable show of all time. They could have made a movie, but that show ended so perfectly, it would almost be a disadvantage to make a movie like that. Then again, if you made a 'Sopranos' movie, people would be lined around the block to go see it.

  • I'm pretty relaxed on what people should be able to do as long as they're not hurting anybody else.

  • Do not confuse your vested interests with ethics. Do not identify the enemies of your privilege with the enemies of humanity.

  • The beautiful souls are they that are universal, open, and ready for all things.

  • I think the general anxiety of the 1960s - '70s spawned our interest in the living dead. When people worry about the end of their world, they need a safe vessel for all their fears. Zombies provide that vessel because they're 'safe.

  • People say sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you, but that's not true. Words can hurt. They hurt me. Things were said to me that I still haven't forgotten.

  • The Kettlebell is an Ancient Russian Weapon Against Weakness