Tagore famous quotes


  • What is outside yourself does not convey much worth; Clothes do not make the man, the saddle not the horse.

  • Once you get into the world of dystopia, it's hard to avoid plagiarism, because other people have had such powerful visions.

  • I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed, Mr. President, but I do say not more than ten to twenty million dead depending upon the breaks.

  • Our youth [with their overwhelming support of Obama] are voting for a permanent tax on their life

  • Trust and belief are two prime considerations. You must not allow yourself to be opinionated.

  • How do they manage to go on living?.....By loving life. And-in spite of everything-by loving God. By having enough faith to start over again and again; enough faith to risk having our hearts break all over again. That's the true meaning of faith. It's the deepest kind of heroism.

  • I'm an attention freak. I want all the women in the world, and if I don't get them, I fall to the ground and start kicking my feet.

  • When you're free of editorial control, you owe it to yourself to obtain feedback from friends and readers. Some take those criticisms to heart and incorporate it into their work, and some ignore them.

  • Who overcomes by force, hath overcome but half his foe.

  • I'm a woman of color. I've lived in black neighborhoods all of my life, and most of the time I get hit on in my neighborhood - and mostly by black men. And so I wanted to have my specific experience and my perspective on street harassment out there.