Religion And Politics famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Individual societies begin in harmonious adaptation to the environment and, like individuals, quickly get trapped into nonadaptive, artificial, repetitive sequences.

  • I'm not gonna worry about what people think about me. I'm too busy. I don't give a hoot.

  • How many are worried about a government shutdown? How many are more worried about it starting back up?

  • Bahá'í marriage is union and cordial affection between the two parties. They must, however, exercise the utmost care and become acquainted with each other's character. This eternal bond should be made secure by a firm covenant, and the intention should be to foster harmony, fellowship and unity and to attain everlasting life.

  • How often have I been guilty of being the Holy Spirit in their lives? It is my job along with my husbands to impart truth but I can’t reveal truth only the Holy Spirit can. It is my job to point out sin and require obedience but I can’t bring conviction of sin – only the Holy Spirit can convict of sin. It is my job to share the gospel – but I can’t reveal the gospel to my children only the Holy Spirit can reveal the truth of the gospel.

  • It has turned out to be an annus horribilis.

  • I have never taken a picture for any other reason than that at that moment it made me happy to do so.

  • Tyler lies back and asks, "If Marilyn Monroe were alive right now, what would she be doing?" I say, goodnight. The headliner hangs down in shreds from the ceiling and Tyler says, "Clawing at the lid of her coffin.

  • I laughed when I read about being born with two hearts, one of which is devoted only to destroying humanity.

  • You seen it, was it as pretty as me?