Gym Rats famous quotes


  • I never want to lie about my age. If I look around at the actresses I admire, they are all women who have not fought growing older, but embraced it and been proud of it - women like Sophia Loren or Audrey Hepburn.

  • It's essential to have sacred time for writing. All successful authors have some daily commitment to keep on-track and moving forward.

  • Bologna is the best city in Italy for food and has the least number of tourists. With its medieval beauty, it has it all.

  • To me hair dressing means shape. It's very important that the foundations should be right.

  • I once heard somebody say that God had closed a door on an opportunity they had hoped for. But I've always wondered if when we want to do something that we know is right and good, God places that desire deep in our hearts because He wants it for us and it honors Him. Maybe there are times when we think a door has been closed and, instead of misinterpreting the circumstances, God wants us to kick it down. Or perhaps just sit outside of it long enough until somebody tells us we can come in.

  • People who have never had an addiction don't understand how hard it can be.

  • Two years after my mother died, my father fell in love with a glamorous blonde Ukrainian divorcée. He was eighty-four and she was thirty-six. She exploded into our lives like a fluffy pink grenade, churning up the murky water, bringing to the surface a sludge of sloughed-off memories, giving the family ghosts a kick up the backside.

  • An intelligent lady, a little too mature for recklessness, a little too young for caution.

  • It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.

  • One's own self is well hidden from one's own self; of all mines of treasure, one's own is the last to be dug up.