Vandalism famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • The countenance may be rightly defined as the title page which heralds the contents of the human volume, but like other title pages, it sometimes puzzles, often misleads, and often says nothing to the purpose.

  • There is a certain justice in criticism.

  • As Christians, we're asked to give. In my sport, if someone needs equipment or help with something, regardless of who they are as a competitor, I'm called to help them for a higher purpose. So it definitely affects everything I do. It's not easy. It's very hard to love everyone.

  • Each morning I face her window and pray that our love can be, cause that brownstone house where my baby lives is Mecca.

  • I view all art as an effort to translate brain concepts into a work. These brain concepts are synthetic ones - the result of many experiences. But a single work of art, or even a series of works, more often than not cannot translate these synthetic concepts adequately. Yves Saint Laurent once said that he suffered greatly when creating. He is not alone in that. Most artists do the same and say as much.

  • The eternal difference between right and wrong does not fluctuate, it is immutable.

  • I don't compare myself to Lil Kim. I'm not doing anything in comparison with any girls. I'm doing Nicki Minaj.

  • There is a yearning that is as spiritual as it is sensual. Even when it degenerates into addiction, there is something salvageable from the original impulse that can only be described as sacred. Something in the person (dare we call it a soul?) wants to be free, and it seeks its freedom any way it can. ... There is a drive for transcendence that is implicit in even the most sensual of desires.

  • Expectation makes a blessing dear. Heaven were not heaven if we knew what it was.

  • Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.