Okinawa famous quotes


  • There is not a man who does not get senile by the time he reaches sixty. And when one thinks that he will not be senile, he is already so.

  • Since he is of no use anymore, there is no gain if he lives and no loss if he dies.

  • Compete with yourself, not with others.

  • Loving yourself means being your own best friend, standing by yourself at all times, including times of failure; being there for yourself no matter what.

  • I want to be like Rocky Balboa. Give me a title shot right away! I'll prove myself.

  • We have a positive vision of the future founded on the belief that the gap between the promise and reality of America can one day be finally closed. We believe that.

  • it's a good idea to review past mistakes before committing new ones.

  • I've always been an entrepreneur, but it's never been about the money. I like a challenge, the harder the better.

  • I went deep inside myself. I had time to explore my beliefs and because of that I'm stronger. Bob Marley (March 1981)

  • I think of compassion as the fundamental religious experience and, unless that is there, you have nothing.