Joey famous quotes


  • The various processes of belief acquisition which are native to a species include ones which may allow for the reliable pick-up of information, which, in turn, allows individual members of the species to successfully negotiate their environment and satisfy their various desires.

  • I don't necessarily believe in aliens coming to the States, and I don't buy into the government cover-up.

  • Does love always form, like a pearl, around the hardened bits of life?

  • We had forgotten the art of using silence to convey emotions in our films and that's what you seem to have mastered. You've used silence to great advantage in the film. It's brilliant.

  • Before everything, I used to do this thing when I was upset-I used to take all my feelings and push them down inside me. It was like they were garbage and I was compacting it to get more in. I felt like I could keep pushing all my feelings down into my socks and I wouldn't have to worry about them. I don't think I do that anymore.

  • Human life has dignity at every age the taking of innocent human life is always wrong. I believe our nation at every level of government must reject any scheme to permit or promote assisted suicide and euthanasia.

  • I want to be clear. Who knows if [ Donald Trump] will be a vessel that people will get behind, it might not be, but there is a movement out there.

  • My rage is not malicious; like a spark Of fire by steel inforced out of a flint It is no sooner kindled, but extinct.

  • Courage is when you dare to be yourself, in whatever ways you want to be - to not be afraid, to just do it.

  • Despite the fact that I'm not highly skilled in any visual art, aesthetics have always played a strong role in my art, including my first albums.