Charades famous quotes


  • Stephen L. Carter coined the phrase 'the culture of disbelief' to describe the prevailing hostility in Western culture toward public expressions of faith.

  • Be brave enough to break your own heart.

  • Give thanks. Appreciate what you DO have ... the more we give thanks, the more we receive to be thankful for. Gratitude is the gift that always gives back.

  • Love is a malady, the common symptoms of which are the same in all patients ...

  • Second law: The complexity barrier. Software complexity (and therefore that of bugs) grows to the limits of our ability to manage that complexity.

  • Think of the magic of that foot, comparatively small, upon which your whole weight rests. It's a miracle, and the dance is a celebration of that miracle.

  • When you happy ,you get locked in sleep. You get sleepy happy. I always wanna be on point. I always wanna be aware.

  • Acting is the art of speaking in a loud, clear voice and the avoidance of bumping into the furniture.

  • Nothing can be sadder or more profound than to see a thousand things for the first and last time. To journey is to be born and die each minute...All the elements of life are in constant flight from us, with darkness and clarity intermingled, the vision and the eclipse; we look and hasten, reaching out our hands to clutch; every happening is a bend in the road...and suddenly we have grown old. We have a sense of shock and gathering darkness; ahead is a black doorway; the life that bore us is a flagging horse, and a veiled stranger is waiting in the shadows to unharness us.

  • If you are not moving closer to what you want in sales (or in life), you probably aren't doing enough asking.