Time Passes famous quotes
52 minutes ago
That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don't notice that the time passes.
-- Albert Einstein -
Time passes you say, But no! Alas, time is staying and we pass by.
-- Andrew Dobson -
But time passes. Fear becomes a memory. Terror becomes routine; it loses its grip.
-- Bernard Beckett -
Oh time...time, pass so that I forget! Oh time, Great Healer, pass over me and let me forget.
-- Betty Smith -
Time passes too quickly when you're getting ready to do something you don't want to do.
-- Courtney Summers -
I feel like a lot of life is distasteful and embarrassing. And you just push through it. You fix what you can, and you let time pass.
-- Curtis Sittenfeld -
But sometimes the night reveals the only truth that time passes and things will never be seen the same again.
-- Delphine de Vigan -
I you don't value your time, no one else will.
-- Donna Brazile -
Experiences is just paying attention as time passes.
-- Erin McKean -
My ideas about time all developed from the realization that if nothing were to change we could not say that time passes. Change is primary, time, if it exists at all, is something we deduce from it.
-- Julian Barbour -
Time passes so slowly if you are unaware of it and so quickly if you are aware of it.
-- Marc Bolan -
Time passed so much more slowly than space.
-- Martha Ostenso -
We have been conditioned to see the passing of time as an adversary.
-- Menachem Mendel Schneerson -
I've got a passion for what I'm doing and I feel privileged all the time.
-- Nitin Sawhney -
I keep hoping that as time passes by, we’ll regain the ease between us, but part of me knows it’s futile. There’s no going back.
-- Suzanne Collins -
(Home is) a place we carry inside ourselves, a place where we welcome the unfamiliar because we know that as time passes it will become the very bedrock of our being.
-- Verlyn Klinkenborg -
Time passes, Time the consoler, Time the anodyne.
-- William Makepeace Thackeray -
This is now and forever - the moment everyone must have, the moment that encompasses all other moments; now and before, now and after: all time.
-- Patti Callahan Henry