Kids Movie famous quotes
Attribute to God every good that you have received. If you take credit for something that does not belong to you, you will be guilty of theft.
Political agitation, by the passions it arouses or the convictions it engenders, may in fact stimulate men to the violation of the law. Detestation of existing policies is easily transformed into forcible resistance of the authority which puts them in execution, and it would be folly to disregard the causal relation between the two. Yet to assimilate agitation, legitimate as such, with direct incitement to violent resistance, is to disregard the tolerance of all methods of political agitation which in normal times is a safeguard of free government.
He who knows what best to omit is the best teacher.
The Stroke Association has produced leaflets that set out clearly the health risks associated with stroke that African-Caribbean people face.
There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.
God listens to Bach while the angels listen to Mozart.
The reason women don't vote for Republicans is not that they haven't had the impact of Republican policies spelled out in simple enough terms for them. It's because they understand Republican policies perfectly well. Women vote against Republicans because they know the impact Republican policies have on their lives.
For the existentials, negation is their God. To be precise, that god is maintained only through the negation of human reason. But, like suicides, gods change with men.
I'll show you just how cruel a sport basketball is.
The Warrior of the Light is a believer. Because he believes in miracles, miracles begin to happen. Because he is sure that his thoughts can change his life, his life begins to change. Because he is certain that he will find love, love appears.