Microorganisms famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • A standing army is like a standing member. It's an excellent assurance of domestic tranquility, but a dangerous temptation to foreign adventure.

  • My parents are private investigators for God's sake.

  • Most people who are activists and are concerned about issues get their information from sources which reinforce their opinions and give them the facts that they want to hear.

  • Know that to begin is often better than to think.

  • Living in the world without insight into the hidden laws of nature is like not knowing the language of the country in which one was born.

  • There are three forces--of the body, mind and feeling. Unless these are together, equally developed and harmonized, a steady connection cannot be made with a higher force. Everything in the Work is a preparation for that connection. That is the aim of the work. The higher energy wishes to but cannot come down to the level of the body unless one works. Only by working can you fulfill your purpose and participate in the life of the cosmos. This is what can give meaning and significance to your life.

  • In my case, when you dive into a role, to do well and for you to do well in it, you have to put an enormous amount of faith in the director. But you also have to decide you're so interested in the material, this director, his work, and his process, that you don't care about the outcome.

  • The beginning of wisdom is to desire it.

  • [Adolf Hitler] tried to make people feel at ease, he made that effort.

  • It doesn't help to wait until something happens and then prosecute the offenders, especially if it's the idea of the offender to extinguish himself in the commission of the crime.