Misplaced famous quotes


  • The best memorizers in the world - who almost all hail from Europe - can memorize a pack of cards in less than a minute. A few have begun to approach the 30-second mark, considered the 'four-minute mile of memory.'

  • The strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice.

  • God chooses the Pope and God also made men and women different.

  • I've been compared to hundreds of artists, which just goes to show you that I'm not any one thing at all.

  • The essence of intelligence would seem to be in knowing when to think and act quickly, and knowing when to think and act slowly.

  • We've got a lot of violence in the world right now, a lot of upheaval in America with this election coming up, and a lot of unrest will come up from that.

  • Comedy is taken care of by a free market.

  • I think there's something extraordinarily nice about seeing the dawn up before one goes to bed, [] there's something uncanny about it.

  • The battle has been moved inside America, and we shall continue until we win this battle, or die in the cause and meet our maker.

  • Not a breath of air stirred over the free and open prairie; the clouds were like light piles of cotton; and where the blue sky was visible, it wore a hazy and languid aspect.