Craziest famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Too much information will make your brain choke.

  • The soul that has conceived one wickedness can nurse no good thereafter.

  • Truth is no harlot who throws her arms round the neck of him who does not desire her; on the contrary, she is so coy a beauty that even the man who sacrifices everything to her can still not be certain of her favors.

  • I suffer from a spiritual malaise which manifests itself in outbursts of vicious rage.

  • The bottom line is, as the season goes on, everybody becomes more comfortable. For a quarterback, it's more than just him. It's everybody else doing things. Offense is all about how things work as a unit. It's everybody being comfortable.

  • You are adorable, mademoiselle. I study your feet with the microscope and your soul with the telescope.

  • You can do anything you want to do if you want it bad enough

  • It is a common error to imagine that to be stirring and voluble in a worthy cause is to be good and to do good.

  • It is strange, how quickly people want to obligate their poets, as it were, on the exile.

  • But through experience I learned to control my body and locate the ball.