Human Soul famous quotes


  • First jason collins say he gay.. Now he on espn w lipgloss on  kill him now !!!

  • Generosity consists not the sum given, but the manner in which it is bestowed

  • I can't pin myself on any fixed religion, really. I'm just one of those sad, early-century people who just drifts around and picks up a bit of this and a bit of that. I was confirmed a Christian when I was a kid purely because I wanted a piece of jewelry, so I don't know whether this is just another extension of that.

  • There's a Viper in Mizville!

  • What happened to the men's boxing is happening to the women's boxing, but not all the time. Every now and then, you get some really great fights. It's a money thing and how many people are going to buy that pay-per-view for the fights. The UFC is eventually going to go that way.

  • Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.

  • Failure is not an option, so why talk about it?

  • I shall never be as old as I was between 20 and 30.

  • Do you know how an ugly woman feels? Do you know what it is to be ugly all your life and inside to feel that you are beautiful? It is very rare.

  • Janie’s hip buzzes again. Maybe she'll have to have her whole leg amputated, she thinks sadly. That would really suck.