Meaningless Life famous quotes


  • Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has ordained that you shall live.

  • Nobody likes to have trouble. The moment we get a hint that it's coming, a common response is, 'Oh no! Not again!'

  • Sitting in an automobile was where I first remember understanding how drama works ... Hidden in the back seat of a sedan, I quickly realized how deep the chasm or intense the claustrophobia could be inside your average family car.

  • Organized religion: The world's largest pyramid scheme.

  • I'm not possessive, I'm caring... Once you realize a person doesn't want that much care, you automatically back off.

  • The actors are in control, getting outrageous amounts of money. The reason they're getting this kind of money is because the studios don't know what else to do. They don't have a clue about what to do except to pay an actor a lot of money.

  • Four goals in (16) minutes. Literally I don't even know how that happens especially in a World Cup final.

  • I'm a very intermediate sax player, but now that Rob Lowe is on my show, I had to cop to him. Like, 'Dude your ridiculous fake sax playing [in St. Elmo's Fire] inspired me to pick up a horn.'

  • The Onion Field made a real writer. And then I knew it was over, I couldn't be a cop anymore.

  • [from the television show,"Evade the Question Time"]At the end of the first round, I will award three points to Mr. Kaine for an excellent nonspecific condemnation, plus one bonus point for blaming the previous government and another for successfully mutating the question to promote the party line. Mr. van de Poste gets a point for a firm rebuttal, but only two points for his condemnation, as he tried to inject an impartial and intelligent observation.