Achieving The Impossible famous quotes


  • The prime objective of all Initiatory music in the Temples of Antiquity was to bring about physical purification and renewal, mental stimulation and alertness, spiritual exhilaration and Illumination.

  • Well then. Will the naysayers please leave the universe?

  • The more you rub a cat on the rump, the higher she sets her tail.

  • To wake in the night: be wide awake in an instant, with all your faculties on edge: to wake, and be under compulsion to set in, night for night, at the same point, knowing from grim experience, that the demons awaiting you have each to be grappled with in turn, no single one of them left unthrown, before you can win through to the peace that is utter exhaustion.

  • It's hard to live your life in color, and tell the truth in black and white.

  • You are an independent mind in this universe that can do everything and anything you have ever dreamed of.

  • God is going to reveal to us things He never revealed before if we put our hands in His.

  • I just go for what makes me feel good. Especially in 2011, it's so easy to sound like a ***** when describing yourself because anything anyone says is a catch-word or a buzz-phrase.

  • Their plan is to return the entire world - not just the Middle East - to the days of the caliphate and either convert all of us so-called infidels into born-again Islamic believers or kill us.

  • If you have a body, you are entitled to the full range of feelings. It comes with the package.