Arbitration famous quotes


  • Possessing material comforts in no way guarantees happiness. Only spiritual wealth can bring true true happiness.

  • I realized, 'Oh my gosh! I'm having a stroke! I'm having a stroke!' The next thing my brain says to me is, 'Wow! This is so cool! How many brain scientists have the opportunity to study their own brain from the inside out?'

  • You know what a storyteller is, don't you? It's a person that has a good memory who hopes other people don't.

  • Like an engineer understands a car he or she designed, no one understands your limitations and possibilities better than the God who created you.

  • I will tell you one thing that will make you rich for life. There are two struggles: an Inner-world struggle and an Outer-world must make an intentional contact between these two worlds; then you can crystallize data for the Third World, the World of the Soul.

  • To take part in this brothel through the payment of my taxes, that had become to me unbearable.

  • God looks not at the oratory of your prayers, how elegant they may be; nor at the geometry of your prayers, how long they may be; nor at the arithmetic of your prayers, how many they may be; not at logic of your prayers, how methodical they may be; but the sincerity of them he looks at.

  • Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.

  • Vets do what doctors used to - diagnose the injury or the condition, patch it up as best they can and remind you that these things happen and that in life we are also in the midst of death.

  • I am not interested in an economic liberation of man without the liberation of the whole man.