Amazing Experiences famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • I come from a country that is now utterly schizophrenic when it comes to its society, its economy, its politics. There are definitely two Americas. I live in one, on one block in Baltimore that is part of the viable America, the America that is connected to its own economy, where there is a plausible future for the people born into it.

  • Honest is how I want to look. The truth doesn't glitter and shine.

  • There will always be rock stars, but I don't know how much depth and longevity they'll have.

  • If life gives you lemons, make apple juice and make people wonder how the hell you did it.

  • Disillusions all come from within ... from the failure of some dear and secret hope. The world makes no promises; we only dream it does; and when we wake, we cry!

  • Not every sky will be blue and not every day is springtime. So on the spiritual path a person learns to find this kind of happiness without needing nice things to happen on the outside. Rather, you find happiness by being who you really are. This isn't mystical. Young children are happy being who they are. The trick is to regain such a state when you are grown and have seen the light and dark sides of life.

  • Nobody remembers how long anything takes; they only remember how good it was in the end.

  • One of the major goals of health insurance reform is to bring down the cost.

  • The refusal to rest content, the willingness to risk excess on behalf of one's obsessions, is what distinguishes artists from entertainers, and what makes some artists adventurers on behalf of us all.

  • Yes, Haven, most of us enjoy preaching, and Ive got such a bully pulpit!