Ruthlessness famous quotes


  • One cannot escape the harsh fact that as a ministerial profession, the priesthood has very serious problems. They are not new. They did not develop yesterday or last year.

  • If you don't know what to do, find your worst Piece and look for a better Square.

  • It is the first time the burglar has been appointed as caretaker.

  • 8.45 a.m. My mother is in the hospital grounds smoking a cigarette. She is looking old and haggard. All the debauchery is catching up with her.

  • My books usually end where they began. I try to bring characters back to a point that is familiar but different because of the growth that they have gone through.

  • It is my belief that tax credits only go to people who are making money, and they generally keep it.

  • I am not thinking too far ahead, just want to take it one thing at a time.

  • When anesthesia was developed, it was for many decades routinely withheld from women giving birth, since women were "supposed" to suffer. One of the few societies to take a contrary view was the Huichol tribe in Mexico. The Huichol believed that the pain of childbirth should be shared, so the mother would hold on to a string tied to her husband's testicles. With each painful contraction, she would give the string a yank so that the man could share the burden. Surely if such a mechanism were more widespread, injuries in childbirth would garner more attention.

  • Are you having problems hearing? If so, those around you already know it. Hearing loss is no laughing matter, so don't be a punchline.

  • I don't believe in miracles, but if the need is great, a girl might make her own miracle.