Ordinary Person famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Before the first before and after the last after, there is night waiting.

  • At the bottom of great doubt lies great awakening. If you doubt fully, you will awaken fully.

  • There is nothing puzzling ... about America's gratuitously aggressive foreign policy or about the oligarchs' successful efforts to drag the Republic into five wars. What an aggressive foreign policy accomplishes by slow degrees, a state of war accomplishes in a trice. Overnight [war] kills reform, overnight it transforms insurgents into traitors and the Republic into an imperiled realm. Overnight it strangles free politics, distracts and overawes the citizenry. Overnight it blasts public hope.

  • I’ve tried being other people and myself suits me the best.

  • I want a place where I can have horses.

  • I may not have been wearing a mink coat, but I was traveling with a dog. That should have made you think I was an actress!

  • Nothing in the natural world makes sense - except when seen in the light of evolution

  • There's plenty of rude stuff online. People say things online that they would be ashamed to say face to face. If people could treat others as though they were speaking face to face, that would be huge.

  • To me, acting is a matter of absolute concentration. You can laugh and giggle with your friends up to the minute the director says, "Action!" Then you snap your mind into shape and into the character that you're playing and relate to the people that you're acting with and forget everybody else that you've been joking with.

  • Who creates unless he has a vacuum to fill?