Understatement famous quotes


  • The maximalist demand of a complete ban on weapons, and the 'incremental steps' towards disarmament are both jammed. Will advancing IHL help both of these processes?

  • Style is innate to who I am. My father gave me a picture the other day. I must have been about seven, and I had on wing-tip shoes and some cool pants. I thought, 'Wow!

  • Talent is our No.1 operating priority and our most important asset.

  • Every thing that a man leans upon but God, will be a dart that will certainly pierce his heart through and through. He who leans only upon Christ, lives the highest, choicest, safest, and sweetest life.

  • The only education in grief that any of us ever gets is a crash course.

  • If I were to name my favorite pastime, I'd have to say talking about myself. I love it and I think most other people do too. We need, people like us, more listeners and less talkers.

  • I was the darkest skinned person in my family. I remember how I used to feel - like I wasn't pretty enough, or I wasn't good enough.

  • I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may.

  • terror finally becomes almost bearable but never quite terror creeps like a cat crawls like a cat across my mind

  • Sometimes we hold on to our possessions because we fear we might run out - life seems scarce. But when we believe that giving is the way to live, we will produce more in the future - life seems abundant.