Fingers Crossed famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Having a fling with you doesn't appeal to me. You're handsome, but you're too inexperienced to be good in bed. Having ridden many horses doesn't make you a good rider; it just proves that you can't recognize a good one or don't know how to keep her.

  • Were I not a king, I would be a university man.

  • The only school that let me in was U.C. Santa Cruz, which is where I went. They didn't have a journalism program, so I took sociology, which is the closest thing to journalism.

  • If you say that you're all about a certain something, and look back and see that the choices that you've made don't reflect that, then there's something for you to look at.

  • At the end of the day, I had to remain dedicated to historical accuracy.

  • I don't want Democrats in the boardroom and I don't want Republicans in the bedroom.

  • By definition, memoir demands a certain degree of introspection and self-disclosure: In order to fully engage a reader, the narrator has to make herself known, has to allow her own self-awareness to inform the events she describes.

  • If you're the smartest one of your friends, you need new friends.

  • Manipulating [is] just the way to proceed, to convince that what you're doing is important. Is nothing more than that. Everyone is manipulating.

  • One of the criticisms we get is, Does the world need more plastic crap? But you have to look beyond the plastic crap, to the design, to the experience, to the empowering nature of the MakerBot and the community.