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  • One may not be able to fulfill a fatherly role with one's own child, but on the other hand, and this goes for me as well, one might still be a "father of choice" to someone else out there in the world. Fatherhood is something that can be shared worldwide. Meaning that in terms of the substance of a father's role, perhaps we are all pseudo-fathers.

  • I have a daughter who I love very much, I hire women, I've worked with women, I've never had an issue with women.

  • So often we experience things in life, and yet never see the connections between them. When we are given hardship, or feel pain, we often fail to consider that the experience may be the direct cause or result of another action or experience. Sometimes we fail to recognize the direct connection between the pain in our lives and our relationship with Allah SWT

  • In financing growing companies, we always looked for human value that didn't appear on the balance sheet.

  • The sixties were a time when ordinary people could do extraordinary things . . . !

  • It is just as often a great misfortune to be the child of the rich as it is to be the child of the poor. Wealth has its misfortunes. Too much, too great opportunity and advantage given to a child has its misfortunes.

  • The writing is important, but the way you say the line and the pause you give it, the facial expression - all of that is very important.

  • If you want to live a memorable life, you have to be the kind of person who remembers to remember.

  • The composition of our society has been changing. We [world] are becoming a more urban population. Mega-cities, those with more than 10 million residents, are booming.

  • For if you train hard and responsibly your confidence surges to a maximum